Getting Started

The dividend capture strategy is not for the rookie investor. However, our goal is to educate and provide a framework for successful dividend capture investing.  Here is a list of resources to help you get started.

 Research Dividend Capture Strategies

Get in the Loop
  • Once our beta test is complete, current subscribers will be eligible for promotional pricing on premium services
  • Contact us if you have any questions

 Pull the Trigger

  •  Start by getting a low-cost brokerage: (specific brokerage recommendations coming soon)
  • Try paper trading some of our top picks
  • Learn and document your specific dividend trading style (preferred risk tolerance, trading frequency, etc.)
  • Execute your trading methodology and profit!

Additional information will be posted here regularly so check back later!

Once again, if you have any questions, we are willing and eager to help so feel free to contact us if you have any questions.